The Großenvörde outdoor pool, also known as the Kurt-Süßengut-Bad, is located in Großenvörde in the municipality of Uchte. Here, an ageing chlorinated pool has Großenvörde natural outdoor pool
After four years of intensive renovation work, the time has finally come: the Bassum natural pool will reopen its doors to visitors in May Bassum natural pool
In this project Polyplan-Kreikenbaum developed and realized a new technology for floating pools in harbors. Bathing in the middle of Götheborg. Millennium Pool Götheborg, Frihamn
As the main component of the regional horticultural show of the city of Bad Gandersheim 2023, brine outdoor pool was converted a natural pool. Brine natural bath Bad Gandersheim
Polyplan-Kreikenbaum has taken over the planning and construction supervision for the water technology of the natural swimming pool Linderhohl. Natural swimming pool Linderhohl
In the Loon-Plage biological bathing site, opened in 2013, there were breaches in the water quality limits, especially for the parameter Pseudomonas aeruginosa.To rectify Loon-Plage 2019 to 2021 Natural Swimming Pool Loon-Plage
A new neptune filter and drum filter for natural water treatment was retrofitted at the Mont-Près-Chambord natural swimming pool in France. Mont-Près-Chambord Natural Swimming Pool Mont-près-Chambord
The natural swimming pool "MuRheNa" in Murg is beautifully located directly on the Rhine and was designed together with Wasserwerkstatt Bamberg. Murg 2008 to 2009 Natural swimming pool “MuRheNa”
Polyplan-Kreikenbaum designed and planned the technical building equipment in the bicycle repaiir cafe "neusi's" in Bremen's Neustadt. Bremen 2017 to 2019 Bicycle Repair Cafe “neusi’s
The project "Damm Aquakultur GmbH & Co KG" is a Biofloc plant for shrimp production and has been in operation since 2018. Niedenstein 2017 to 2018 Damm Aquaculture GmbH & Co.KG
In the pilot project Courtyard "Straussvej" in the middle of Copenhagen, rainwater from the roof surfaces is collected, purified and stored. Copenhagen, Denmark 2019 to 2020 Straussvej Courtyard
In 2021, the renovation of the water park in Wennigsen was successfully implemented so that the pool could be opened in August 2021. Wennigsen am Deister 2021 Waterpark Wennigsen
Design of a central urban water facility in Tianjin Logistics Park, China. Tianjin, China 2010 to 2011 Tianjin Airport Urbanes Gewässer
Restoration of the swimming lake eliminated the annual blue-green algae blooms, making it possible to use the lake permanently. Wietzendorf 2011 Südsee-Camp Wietzendorf
The lake in Tianjin Culture Park is used to absorb and release incoming rainwater from the surrounding areas. This water is purified by natural Tianjin, China 2009 to 2011 Tianjin Culture Park
A natural water treatment system with two different types of treatment schemes and a phosphate adsorber. Singapore 2016 Singapore Sports and Community Hub
Development of a restoration concept for Lake Bellandur in 2012 by Polyplan-Kreikenbaum Group GmbH. Banglore, India 2012 bis 2014 Lake Bellandur
Polyplan was responsible here for the conceptualization of the facillity's technology and the open space planning. Vienna- Danube City, Austria 2012 bis 2016 Water treatment, Old Danube
The natural swimming pool Riehen in the municipality of Murg on Germany's border with Switzerland, according to self-promotion is one of the biggest attractions Riehen 2013 bis 2014 Natural swimming pool Riehen
A natural outdoor pool directly attached to the indoor pool, surrounded by water plants and an adjacent pier. Laatzen 2010 bis 2011 aquaLaatzium
The natural swimming lake Steinbrunner See is a small open pit lake 3 km away from the center of Steinbrunn (Austria, Burgenland). Lake Steinbrunn, Austria 2010 Natural swimming lake, Lake Steinbrunn
A natural swimming lake was built on the grounds of the Eisenberg vacation village in 2010/2011. Feriendorf Eisenberg/Kirchheim 2010 bis 2011 Natural outdoor pool Kirchheim
In Swietochlowice near Katowice, in cooperation with local architects, we planned and implemented the water treatment technology for the first public natural swimming pool Świętochłowice, Poland 2013 to 2014 Waterark Świętochłowice
In Gothenburg, we planned a floating bath with biological water treatment together with Raumlabor Berlin. Gothenburg, Sweden 2015 Swimming Pool Gothenburg
The refurbishment of the bath was planned as ARGE Planungsteam Wegmüller-Schacher / Wasserwerkstatt Bamberg and Polyplan-Kreikenbaum. Kriens, Switzerland 2011 to 2012 Parkbad Kriens
The deep water aerator in the Wahnbachtalsperre has the task of oxygen transportation and distribution as effectively as possible. Siegburg 2014 TIBEAN Wahnbach Dam
Refurbishment of the Bingen-Bingerbrück natural adventure pool with biological water treatment by Polyplan-Kreikenbaum Gruppe GmbH. Bingen am Rhein 2008 to 2009 Natural Swimming Pool Bingen
In 2013/14, the expansion of the Lister Gracht in Hanover with biological water treatment and targeted planting was planned and implemented. Hannover 2012 to 2014 Gracht Hannover
The natural bath Tessin was built as a bath with biological water treatment, according to the FLL 2011 Bath technology, PLC control and monitoring Tessin 2010 to 2012 Natural swimming pool Tessiner Südsee
As part of the permitting design for the new Cuervo Reservoir (13,149 ha) in Patagonia, Polyplan performed water quality forecasting calculations. Santiago de Chile, Chile 2015 “Los Condes” Santiago de Chile
Polyplan-Kreikenbaum was responsible for the refurbishment of the water technology in the natural swimming pool Hainholz/Hanover in this project. Hannover 2017 to 2018 Natural Swimming Pool, Hainholz
Construction of the first natural pool with biological water treatment in Ruds Vedby, Denmark. Ruds Vedby, Denmark 2013 to 2015 Natural Swimming Pool Ruds Vedby
Polyplan was responsible for the pool function, the water treatment scheme, the pump and piping design, and the microcontroller system. Edmonton, Canada 2013 to 2018 Natural Swimming Pool Borden
Polyplan has developed a biological water treatment system in Koge, Denmark, to keep total phosphorus concentrations below 100 μg/l. Køge, Denmark 2017 to 2018 Urban stormwater management modelling
A conventional outdoor pool has been transformed into an attractive natural pool with biological water purification and a variety of bathing attractions. Zeven 2009 to 2010 Naturbad Zeven
The deep water aerator (TIBEAN) ensures a constant oxygen supply to the dam, which provides drinking water for >250,000 inhabitants. Bad Wünnenberg 2018 to 2019 TIBEAN Aabach-Talsperre
Implementation of a water monitoring program in the form of regular measurements, maintenance and the initiation of improvement measures. Bremen 2011 Cemetry Riensberg
Implementation of various rehabilitation and restoration measures from 1998 to 2018 at the Osterholz Cemetery in Bremen. Bremen 1999 to 2012 Cemetry Osterholz
The water purification in Weende is operated in a biological manner with the help of sprinkled and swamped ground filters, which are integrated into Göttingen 2016 to 2018 Natural Swimming Pool Weende
The bath is a combination of chlorinated pool according to the DIN 19643 standard and a bath with biological water treatment. Herrenberg 2014 to 2015 Natural Swimming Pool Herrenberg
The new outdoor pool was designed as a combi-pool consisting of a natural pool (biological water purification) with a swimmer's pool (chemical water purification). Tostedt 2015 Outdoor Pool Tostedt
In 2016, the outdoor pool in Hänigsen was awarded the "Public Value Award for the Public Pool 2016" by the "German Association for the Hänigsen 2015 bis 2016 Outdoor Pool Hänigsen
In the traditional park Bois de Vincennes North Paris, Polyplan-Kreikenbaum was responsible for the design planning of a seasonal bath in the listed park Paris, France 2016 to 2018 Bois de Vincennes Paris
New construction of a natural outdoor pool and a sauna bath in combination with an attached indoor pool with fitness center. Neustadt am Rübenberge 2017 to 2018 Balneon
Due to the algae blooms appearing in summer, a new filter concept based on biological methods had to be developed for the Schladen bathing Schladen 2001 Natural Bathing Lake Schladen
In the Achtern Diek bathing lake (12 ha), there were severe algae blooms, especially in the late summer, which impaired bathing use. Otterndorf 1998 Achterdieksee
Polyplan-Kreikenbaum Gruppe GmbH was responsible for developing measures to improve the quality of Dong Feng Lake. Dongfeng Lake, Yo Nan, China 2018 to 2023 Dong Feng Lake
Near-natural redesign of the shore area and staging of the existing vegetation in the course of a necessary shore protection at the Segelhafen. Bremen Sailing harbor Osterdeich
Lake Lüttensee represents the heart of the new urban district development. In addition to local recreation, a far-sighted, holistic drainage concept was to be Tornesch Lüttnsee Tornesch
In collaboration with hydraulic engineers, planning was carried out for flood protection of the Bremen Weser Stadium up to +6.50 m NN. Bremen Flood Protection Object Protection Plus: Weserstadion Bremen
The Ennigerloh outdoor pool was converted into a pool with biological water purification; the existing pool and building fabric were largely retained. Ennigerloh 2019 to 2020 Natural Swimming Pool Ennigerloh
Bassum's natural swimming pool is getting on in years after its first renovation in 2006, we were authorized to plan a refurbishment and we Bassum 2018 to 2021 Stiftspark Outdoor Pool Bassum
Upgrading of paths and a staircase, installation of exterior lighting and development of the theater ship at the Tiefer, Bremen. Bremen Weser-promenade “Tiefer”
Planning and realisation of a water treatment system for the harbour bath in Aarhus (Denmark). Aarhus, Denmark 2017 to 2018 Harbour bath Aarhus
A sustainable attractiveness of the lakes was planned with regard to their bathing use and open space design. Fulda 2017 to 2022 Auenweiher in Fulda
New development and construction of a natural outdoor pool in Beelitz on the site of the old overhead water tank. Beelitz 2021- Natural Swimming Pool Beelitz
The bath was planned as a combined bath. This means that the non-swimmer area is treated biologically and the swimmer area with chlorine. Bremen 2005 to 2006 Stadionbad Bremen
Since 2008, the Froschloch outdoor pool has been converted into a natural outdoor pool and completely rebuilt, including the buildings. Dortmund 2007 to 2008 Natural Swimming Pool Froschloch
Outdoor pool with biological water treatment and integration of the Nuhne River, which flows by, as a source of filling water. Hallenberg 2009 Natural Pool Hallenberg
The Polyplan-Kreikenbaum group and Wasserwerkstatt had the task to design a water treatment system , its hydraulic interaction and the pump control. Ingolstadt 2018 to 2019 State Horticulture Show Ingolstadt