Millennium Pool Götheborg, Frihamn

In this project Polyplan-Kreikenbaum developed and realized a new technology for floating pools in harbors. Bathing in the middle of Götheborg.
Straussvej Courtyard

In the pilot project Courtyard „Straussvej“ in the middle of Copenhagen, rainwater from the roof surfaces is collected, purified and stored.
Waterpark Wennigsen

In 2021, the renovation of the water park in Wennigsen was successfully implemented so that the pool could be opened in August 2021.
Waterark Świętochłowice

In Swietochlowice near Katowice, in cooperation with local architects, we planned and implemented the water treatment technology for the first public natural swimming pool in Poland.
Swimming Pool Gothenburg

In Gothenburg, we planned a floating bath with biological water treatment together with Raumlabor Berlin.
Parkbad Kriens

The refurbishment of the bath was planned as ARGE Planungsteam Wegmüller-Schacher / Wasserwerkstatt Bamberg and Polyplan-Kreikenbaum.
Natural Swimming Pool Bingen

Refurbishment of the Bingen-Bingerbrück natural adventure pool with biological water treatment by Polyplan-Kreikenbaum Gruppe GmbH.
Gracht Hannover

In 2013/14, the expansion of the Lister Gracht in Hanover with biological water treatment and targeted planting was planned and implemented.
Natural Swimming Pool, Hainholz

Polyplan-Kreikenbaum was responsible for the refurbishment of the water technology in the natural swimming pool Hainholz/Hanover in this project.
Natural Swimming Pool Ruds Vedby

Construction of the first natural pool with biological water treatment in Ruds Vedby, Denmark.