Various objectives were considered during the planning of the water park rehabilitation. The focus was on ensuring consistently good water quality, even with high volume of visitors and warm weather. Furthermore, the bath was supposed to be more attractive, especially for families. It was also necessary to renew deteriorating materials, such as the foil.

The result of the planning and construction process is a beautiful state-of-the-art pool with a new slide, an expansion of the water playground and a small sandy beach. A new wooden walkway was built under which the surge tank was integrated.

To ensure good water quality, two new filtration systems were built, a wet filter and a Neptune filter. The circuits are operated in parallel and, so that sufficient pool water circulation can be provided. The wet filter is stocked with marsh and submerged plants at different depths so that a habitat for zooplankton can be formed. Zooplankton, along with filtration systems, play an important role in terms of eliminating germs in the water body.

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