Südsee-Camp Wietzendorf

Restoration of the swimming lake eliminated the annual blue-green algae blooms, making it possible to use the lake permanently.

Lake Bellandur

Development of a restoration concept for Lake Bellandur in 2012 by Polyplan-Kreikenbaum Group GmbH.

Water treatment, Old Danube

Polyplan was responsible here for the conceptualization of the facillity’s technology and the open space planning.

TIBEAN Wahnbach Dam

The deep water aerator in the Wahnbachtalsperre has the task of oxygen transportation and distribution as effectively as possible.

Natural swimming pool Tessiner Südsee

The natural bath Tessin was built as a bath with biological water treatment, according to the FLL 2011 Bath technology, PLC control and monitoring were carried out by Polyplan.

„Los Condes“ Santiago de Chile

As part of the permitting design for the new Cuervo Reservoir (13,149 ha) in Patagonia, Polyplan performed water quality forecasting calculations.

TIBEAN Aabach-Talsperre

The deep water aerator (TIBEAN) ensures a constant oxygen supply to the dam, which provides drinking water for >250,000 inhabitants.