Lake Steinbrunner is a small open pit lake (former lignite mine) 3 km away from the center of Steinbrunn (Austria, Burgenland).

Lake data

  1. Surface area: 5.2 ha
  2. Lake volume: 500,000 m³
  3. Volume of the Hypolimnion: 350.000 m³
  4. Stratification: the lake has a thermocline at 7 m and a halocline at 14 m.


  1. Volumetric flow: 343 m³/h,
  2. Oxygen input: 40 kg O2/day
  3. Power consumption: 2.5 kW

Redevelopment Goals

The goal of aeration in Lake Steinbrunn is to restore an oxygen-enriched deep zone that extends down to a depth of at least 15 meters. When the oxygen levels of 4 to 8 mg L-1 can be established in the deoxygenated zone between 8 and 15 m, we can say that we are successful. In the presence of oxygen, internal nutrient accumulation is blocked and the available nutrient pool for the low-light-adapted blue-green algae at the bottom of the euphotic zone is reduced. The remediation concept as well as the subsequent monitoring was carried out by the limnology office DWS Hydro-Ökologie GmbH.


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