
A model location for the urban circular economy is being created on the Überseeinsel in Bremen-Walle through cooperation between innovative Bremen companies and renowned Bremen research institutes.
Millennium Pool Götheborg, Frihamn

In this project Polyplan-Kreikenbaum developed and realized a new technology for floating pools in harbors. Bathing in the middle of Götheborg.
Research Project DANA 2.0

DANA 2.0 is a development project in cooperation with the company Ravenworks GbR, funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.
EU Project DIH4CPS: Artificial Intelligence for Smart Aquaculture

EU Horizon 2020 project entitled: ‚Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs‘.
„tex-AS“ research project BMWi

Development of a flow-through textile-based photobioreactors for integrated algae production in shrimp indoor aquaculture.
KoMARe, Phase II

The abbreviation stands for „Control of microbiology in aquaculture recirculation systems“ and is a cooperative project funded by the DBU, which we will continue to carry out with our partner, the Hanover University of Veterinary Medicine Foundation, at the Bioflock facility in Hesse until 2022 (www.die-landgarnele.de). Project title: „Development of operational and process engineering solutions […]