EU Horizon 2020 project, entitled: „Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs“ – Acronym: „DIH4CPS“. The consortium consists of 33 partners who are developing digital solutions for a wide range of applications using artificial intelligence.

The project will be implemented in 11 different so-called „Application Experiments“ in 11 EU member states. These experiments are to be understood as application test cases and are located in different industries: from the health and tourism industry to the food industry. Common to all sub-projects is the connection to a regional „Digital Innovation Hub“. As part of the project, EU calls have already been issued twice, for which other, existing Digital Innovation Hubs were able to apply.

Application Experiment 1: SMART AQUACULTURE

Together with the „BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH“ and the Oldenburg-based company SWMS Consulting GmbH, we are developing digital and artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted solutions for the recording of live biomass in an indoor shrimp facility in Hesse, supplemented by an evaluation of online data on water quality, with the aim of developing self-learning control of certain processes, e.g. automatic feeding adapted to real feed requirements. The process, which is still under development, is designed to reduce resource consumption and ensure stable water quality.

You can learn more about the EU project here:, an overview of all „Application Experiments“ here: and you can follow the project on these social media channels:

The project has a three-year duration, starting in January 2020.

A description of the project can be found here, also as a short video in English:

This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 872548.