Großenvörde natural outdoor pool

The Großenvörde outdoor pool, also known as the Kurt-Süßengut-Bad, is located in Großenvörde in the municipality of Uchte. Here, an ageing chlorinated pool has been converted into a modern natural pool with the following key figures: Water area: 715 m²Wet filter: 110 m²Neptune filter: 85 m² The Großenvörde outdoor pool renovation project began for us […]

Bassum natural pool

After four years of intensive renovation work, the time has finally come: the Bassum natural pool will reopen its doors to visitors in May 2024. History and planning details Back in 2006, our planning office Polyplan planned the first conversion of the Bassum outdoor pool into a natural pool. In June 2020, we were once […]

Salza-Quellbad Nordhausen

The Salza-Quellbad in Nordhausen is planning to be redesigned as a natural pool, but the financing remains unclear.

IOB Congress 2023

Polyplan-Kreikenbaum was at the IOB Congress in Mechelen, Belgium at the end of September 2023 and received Pondy Award.

Millennium Pool Götheborg, Frihamn

In this project Polyplan-Kreikenbaum developed and realized a new technology for floating pools in harbors. Bathing in the middle of Götheborg.

Brine natural bath Bad Gandersheim

As the main component of the regional horticultural show of the city of Bad Gandersheim 2023, brine outdoor pool was converted a natural pool.

Natur Pool Info 2023

Dear Readers,the memories of the pandemic‘s restrictions on pool operations were just fading when the nextbad news hit pool operators last year. Due to the gas shortage, pool water temperatures in indoorpools were reduced in order to contribute to energy savings. The situation has since stabilizedagain, but after covid demonstrated how reliant on the natural […]