The DGfdB’s Biological Water Treatment Working Group met for an important meeting at the Badeparadies Eiswiese in Göttingen, where the „FLL Guidelines for the Planning, Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Outdoor Pools with Biological Water Treatment“ were officially handed over to the DGfdB by the Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau (FLL). This marked an important milestone in the development of biological water treatment.

The discussions focused on various topics, including indoor pools, mechanical pre-filters, content on biology and the ecological balance in construction and operation. The experts and representatives of various associations took part in the meeting, and the chairman and deputy chairman were elected unanimously. Stefan Bruns was unanimously elected Chairman of the Biological Water Treatment Working Group, which underlines his experience and expertise in the DGfdB’s regulatory work and his networking in the natural outdoor pool scene.

The meeting marked an important step towards improved biological water treatment and highlighted the commitment of the DGfdB and other associations to the further development of the relevant guidelines.

The full article can be found here.