Baths conference 2024

This year, the baths conference is being organized by the two organizations DGfnB e.V. and ABS. The motto is „Together we are strong“.

Salza-Quellbad Nordhausen

The Salza-Quellbad in Nordhausen is planning to be redesigned as a natural pool, but the financing remains unclear.


A model location for the urban circular economy is being created on the Überseeinsel in Bremen-Walle through cooperation between innovative Bremen companies and renowned Bremen research institutes.

Team seminar in Waffensen

Last week (10/12 – 10/14/2022) we held our second plenary this year. Like last year, we again traveled to Waffensen and stayed at the conference hotel „Taranga“. A lot has happened since the last plenary in August and our joint process „DeveloPP“ is taking more and more shape. Furthermore, information about the future training program […]

Natural pool info 01/2021

The Naturbadinfo is an annual newsletter on the subject of natural pools. Read news about technology, hygiene and current bathrooms.

Bicycle Repair Cafe „neusi’s

Polyplan-Kreikenbaum designed and planned the technical building equipment in the bicycle repaiir cafe „neusi’s“ in Bremen’s Neustadt.

Cemetry Riensberg

Implementation of a water monitoring program in the form of regular measurements, maintenance and the initiation of improvement measures.