„neusi’s“ is the first bike repair café in Germany’s first bike zone in Bremen’s Neustadt and was awarded the „ICONIC AWARD 2020: INNOVATIVE ARCHITECTURE“ on October 5, 2020. The building has a model character due to its construction as a folding wooden structure, its transparent facade elements, the extensively greened retention roof (cooling effect through evaporation of rainwater), the regenerative use of electricity through a combination of integrated battery storage and pellet stove as well as furniture made of recycled material from a regional manufacturer.
Polyplan-Kreikenbaum Gruppe GmbH was responsible for the planning of the technical building equipment (TGA). The main focus of the planning was on wastewater and water systems, heat supply systems and ventilation systems. The Repair Café was equipped and operated with an electric storage tank, a pellet boiler heating system, a buffer tank and a heat pump. Sanitary connections and facilities were also part of the planning work.