Our current outdoor pool opening in Herrenbergwas celebrated on 15.05.2015. The bath is a combination of chlorinated pool (kiddy pool and splash fields) according to the DIN 19643 standard and bath with biological water treatment for the non-swimmer, swimmer and diving pool. The bath was designed for a nominal number of 3500 daily visitors.
The new bath has been extremely well appreciated by the people so far. In the first bathing season the number of visitors already amounted to approx. 80,000 bathers, which was far beyond the expectations. The planning was done in co-operation with Wasserwerkstatt Bamberg and Faktor Grün. Pool supervision is provided by Polyplan’s experienced pool supervision team. All the data is collected via our online monitor DANA.
Unfortunately, problems with Pseudomonas aeruginosa exceedances occurred in August. Immediately, the fault analysis was started and structural faults were revealed as the cause.


Total water surface area: 2,685m²
Total water volume: approx. 3,900m³
Usable Water surface area: 1,845m²
Water Treatment: Neptune Filter (600 m²), Wet Filter(240m²)
Chlorine (Kiddy Pool)
Control: PLC, remote maintenance
Number of Visitors: 3,000 Badegäste/Tag

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