As the water quality in Havnebad did not meet the requirements of the EU Bathing Water Directive, the task was to clean the water in the existing bath. For this purpose, a retaining wall was built around the bath and a submerged bio-filter of 2000 m² was installed under the floating deck. During the filter passage, the water is microbially cleaned and phosphorus is removed from the water. Inlet and outlet valves were installed in the retaining wall in order to obtain clean filling water. During high tides, the deep sea water (salty heavy clean Baltic Sea water) pushes through the inlet device into the basin. When the water drains, the contaminated surface water from the basin is forced back into the harbour basin.

The entire system was numerically simulated with @sea. The internal and external water cycles were taken into consideration for the simulation. The E. coli, phosphorus concentrations as well as the visual depth in the cover basin were simulated including all inlets and outlets.

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