Natural pool info 2024

Germany has been home to natural outdoor pools for 25 years now. Much has proven itself over these years and much has been further developed and improved. Naturbadinfo was founded 6 years ago in order to take up and present the most important topics from the area of further developments and innovations. There are still so many new things happening that we can only cover some of the topics. We hope to have made an exciting selection.
Baths conference 2024

This year, the baths conference is being organized by the two organizations DGfnB e.V. and ABS. The motto is „Together we are strong“.
Salza-Quellbad Nordhausen

The Salza-Quellbad in Nordhausen is planning to be redesigned as a natural pool, but the financing remains unclear.
A laboratory for Sierra Leone

The water laboratory for the MaTec Vocational School, which was started in 2021, is nearing completion.
Current developments in biological water treatment

The DGfdB held a meeting at which the „FLL Guidelines“ were officially handed over to the DGfdB by the Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau (FLL).

A model location for the urban circular economy is being created on the Überseeinsel in Bremen-Walle through cooperation between innovative Bremen companies and renowned Bremen research institutes.
IOB Congress 2023

Polyplan-Kreikenbaum was at the IOB Congress in Mechelen, Belgium at the end of September 2023 and received Pondy Award.
Natur Pool Info 2023

Dear Readers,the memories of the pandemic‘s restrictions on pool operations were just fading when the nextbad news hit pool operators last year. Due to the gas shortage, pool water temperatures in indoorpools were reduced in order to contribute to energy savings. The situation has since stabilizedagain, but after covid demonstrated how reliant on the natural […]
European patent for „Phosferrum“

The present synthetic filter material made of split which can serve as a filter material for soil filters for phosphate adsorption.
Renovation wooden walkway natural pool Olfen

The Olfen project was a renovation of the wooden walkway, which was originally constructed of larch. After more than 12 years, due to the normal effects of weathering, the components began to decompose. During operation, deck boards have already had to be replaced several times and repairs have also had to be carried out on […]