
Natur Pool Info 2022

Dear Readers,
while there has been less going on in pools in the last two years than in previous years due to the Covid situation, a lot has happened in the area of planning and development. Judging by the number of new pool designs, the industry is slowly transitioning out of the niche and into a larger market. Accordingly, it is important to continue optimizing the facilities and adapting them to the demands of the times. In the future, the CO2 balance of a pool will play an increasingly important role (climateneutral swimming? – p. 1), the digitalization of the facilities will become more important (DANA 2.0 – from data storage to the control centers of the natural swimming pool – p.3), new concepts such as natural indoor pools (indoor pools with biological water treatment, …. yes, it is a possibility! – p.9) and rainwater utilization as fillingwater (“Sponge City” meets natural swimming pond – p.13) will increasingly move into the focus of planning. At the same time, it is still important to better understand the facilities (germ elimination by zooplankton, USOs – Unknown Swimming Objects in Natural swimming Pools – p.6) and to improve them both in terms of design (footbridges in natural swimming pools – p.11) and water treatment (Phosferrum – p.11).

We look forward to presenting some interesting news in this issue and hope you enjoy reading it.

Click here for the latest Version of Natur Pool Info 2022.

Best regards and stay healthy!

Stefan Bruns, Hannes Kurzreuther, Janne Baden,
Nina Röttgers, Leon Müller [Polyplan-Kreikenbaum]
Inga Eydeler, Dr. Antje Kakuschke, Dr. Stefanie Hirch,
Dr. Jürgen Spieker [KLS Gewässerschutz]
On behalf of the Working Group Swimming Lakes
and Ponds ‚Arbeitsgemeinschaft Badeseen und
Schwimmteiche‘ [ABS]